Town gives seniors
free Viagra rations
SANTIAGO, Chile - A working class suburb of Chile's capital beganhanding out free Viagra to senior citizens.
On Wednesday, Lo Prado Mayor Gonzalo Navarrete said he launchedthe program because "an active sexuality improves the overallquality of life."
About 1,500 residents of the working-class area are eligible toreceive as many as four pills of the erectile dysfunction drug eachmonth, the mayor said. They have to be at least 60 and be registeredwith the municipality's health service.
Dead Sea Scroll
text gets rare view
JERUSALEM - A rarely displayed segment of the Dead Sea Scrollswill be part of an exhibition for President Bush and otherdignitaries attending Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations nextmonth, a museum official said.
The ancient manuscripts date back over 2,000 years and containalmost the full text of the Jewish Bible, as well as early Christiantexts.
The segment on display will be from Psalm 133. It reads: "Behold,how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together inunity."
You likely won't
step in this pile
NEW YORK - A pile of dinosaur dung 130 million years old sold ata New York auction for nearly $1,000.
The prehistoric deposit fetched $960 Wednesday, said aspokeswoman for Bonhams New York. Its pre-auction estimate was $450.
The fossilized dung is from the Jurassic era, the auction housesaid. It looks like a rock on the outside and a colorful mineralinside.
The buyer was Steve Tsengas of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. The 71-year-old owns OurPets, a company that sells products to treat dogand cat waste.
Tsengas bought the dung in hopes of motivating his employees andusing it as a marketing tool by displaying it at the company's boothat trade shows, he said.
Team disciplined
for cheeky invite
ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Thirteen members of a high school lacrosseteam have been disciplined for baring their bottoms to extend a prominvitation from one player to a girl.
The varsity lacrosse players at Huron High school displayed thequestion: "Will You Go To The Prom With Me? Yes or No?" on theirbacksides, which they revealed during a junior varsity game lastweek.
School officials suspended the 13 players for an undeterminednumber of games and ordered them to perform 20 hours of communityservice. The players were also suspended from school for one day.
Carolyn Campbell accepted the invitation to go to the prom withfellow senior Kristoff Wennersten by patting the back of the playerwho displayed the word "Yes."
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