пятница, 2 марта 2012 г.

Qld: Triple transplant an Australian first

Qld: Triple transplant an Australian first

BRISBANE, Aug 4 AAP - Australia's first triple organ transplant has been carried outat a Brisbane Hospital.

The heart, liver and lung transplant was carried out at Brisbane's Prince Charles Hospital,but a hospital spokeswoman said she was unable to reveal any details of the patient oreven when the operation was carried out.

The operation involved a team of doctors from the heart/lung transplant unit at PrinceCharles and the liver transplant unit at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Prince Charles Hospital District Manager Deb Podbury said today the patient was nowin a critical but stable condition in an intensive care unit.

The head of the hospital transplant unit, Dr Keith McNeill, said legislation designedto protect the privacy of donors and recipients meant the hospital was unable to releaseany further information relating to the operation.

"Under normal circumstances we would not be making a public announcement about sucha landmark and technically difficult operation until the medical staff were satisfiedwith the patient's condition, the patient is out of intensive care and the patient isable to give consent," Dr McNeill said in a statement.

Dr McNeill said a news conference with the surgical team involved would be arrangedat a later date.

AAP jfs/sc/drp/de


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